Hey there!
Due to changes in social media algorithms, I’m sure some of you are wondering if I’m still kicking and slinging paint around.
The answer is YES. 😉
I’ve actually been pretty busy, and mobile apps are my go-to when it comes to updating things online.
Hence, you’ll find it easiest to keep up with my artwork (and play ) on social media and my blog.
Be sure to click “get notifications” to ensure you see me in your feed, if Facebook is your sm of choice.
However, I’ve been posting updates, DIYs, and interviews with other creatives, along with rambles on my blogger site. (You can subscribe right on the home page to get my blog through email or Bloglovin’.)
I can post updates and blogs right from my phone or tablet with those sites. Yay!
So come find me on social media or email me through the contact page, and let me know what you’ve been up to;
I can’t wait to hear about it!