Most of you know I love painting animals not only for their beauty and unique characters but also for their interesting and rich symbolism.
I’m sure you also know that most plants and trees have an abundance of historical meanings, as well.
In my latest watercolor, I have paired the wisdom and intelligence we associate with the owl to the gorse, or furze tree.

This shrub, or hedge tree, is also sometimes called furze and is native to Europe and northwest Africa.
The bright yellow blossoms have a very long flowering season.
Between all of the different species of gorse, there will most always be sunny flowers to admire, hence the saying,
“When gorse is out of blossom, kissing’s out of fashion”.
The gorse has many layers of symbolism.
I won’t bore you with more dry botany facts, but it’s a fascinating plant and understanding its history and many facets can help you understand why it represents so many different things. Look it up sometime. 🙂
Here’s a quick rundown of the powers or the furze;
Intelligence, protection, healing, love, vibrancy, light, industry, independence, fertility, symbiosis, intuition, hope, courage.

Furze Wisdom
This original is now perched in a private collection, but signed prints are available here.
While the furze does represent intelligence (because yellow is the color of the intellect), I choose the gorse blossom because its meaning is so much deeper.
Wisdom is not intelligence quotient.
Wisdom is a culmination of the head, heart, body, and soul.
Wisdom is discerning when to use what and just how much.
Just like most of my paintings, it was a personal reminder to seek balance and nature is where I find it most. 🙂
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